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Don Bosco Center (CPAR) in Duékoué organized a roundtable workshop under the Design Together project

Duékoué: Launch of the Design Together Project (PDT) The CPAR center takes a giant step forward

This is a real giant step taken by the Don Bosco center (CPAR) of Duékoué, by bringing together experts, teachers and students around a round table on Wednesday February 28, 2024 in the capital of Guémon, to address the thorny issue of the mismatch between training and employment, at the origin of nearly 30% of the unemployment rate in Africa and more particularly, in Côte d’Ivoire.

The reasons for the training-employment mismatch in Ivory Coast

“ How can we jointly resolve the match between training and employment in Ivory Coast? », This is the theme of the workshop organized by the Don Bosco professional training center (CPAR) of Duékoué. Thus, to try to deal with it as best as possible, the various participants listed as a prelude solutions to this evil, the causes of this realistic standard at the origin of the unemployment of the populations in Côte d’Ivoire.

These include, among others, the failure to adapt educational programs to the realities of the needs of companies, poor basic training of students, training of students on outdated machines, impatience of trainees in companies, indiscipline of trainees and lessons rather theoretical than practical.

Attempts at solutions to the thorny issue of training-employment mismatch in Ivory Coast

As solutions to this problem of inadequacy of training-employment, the participants in this workshop, the experts, from the Director of the Technical Education Department (DDETFP) to the Regional Director of the Youth Employment Agency (DRAEJ) in charge du Guémon and Cavally, including teachers, student trainees and employees in companies and the CNDH Guémon, all unanimously mentioned the need to renew work tools in training centers, frank and good collaboration between human resources directors of companies and training centers, visits to companies by trainers to identify the expectations of their learners and those of companies, the need for duality between training and employment, update educational programs, adapt training to the needs of companies and organize educational visits for business students in order to encourage them to get used to the reality of the world of work.

However, the issues of student integration being a real Gordian knot due to the scarcity of businesses in certain regions of Côte d’Ivoire and more particularly in the Autonomous District of the Mountains, the panelists pleaded for the creation of financial funds support for the self-employment of students after their training and the good attitudes of students in companies. Hence the opportunity to emphasize the need to introduce and/or interest students more in entrepreneurship courses in training centers.

This reflection workshop initiated by the Don Bosco Institute of Duékoué (CPAR) aims to respond to the numerous requirements of company human resources managers, to invite the Ministry of Technical Education to improve curricula to company standards, to help the youth employment agency in seeking opportunities for students in companies, to encourage those responsible for training centers and their teachers to improve their services and, finally, to help students seize the modest employment opportunities that are available offer them in an international context marked by different crises.

The next meeting between business leaders and heads of establishments on the occasion of the open day of the Don Bosco Institute (CPAR) scheduled for May 6, 2024 will undoubtedly make it possible to better understand the requirements of the market for employment to promote training-employment matching in Ivory Coast.

Laine Gonkanou, Regional Correspondent